September 29, 2008

Pump Up the Volume

Podcasts aren't the most inspiring things to blog about. But I'm sure there'll be a whole lot of NZ politicians BUSY sharing their party views and successes and bitching and sniping about the opposition via podcasts fairly soon. Fortunately for anyone reading this I haven't braved the unknown frontier of political party web pages (I'm to scared too!) so I can't share with you the podcast joy of John Key's vision for New Zealand or Aunty Helen's attacks on the blue party with terrible billboards!

Logic dictates that I don't use RSS to sign up to podcasts. I haven't checked my RSS feeds in over two months, so any podcasts I sign up to won't be listened to. So to save the planet by using less power I'm about to delete my bloglines account.

Hopefully one day we'll be able to podcast our wonderful library storytellers via our webpage. Perfect for the Mum and Dad who can't get their child to story times but still want them to enjoy the magic of the written word read aloud. It'd be a neat marketing ploy too!

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