August 25, 2008

Technorati is not Paradise City

While I'd really like to go to Paradise City (but preferably not with Axyl Rose) I can quite happily say I don't really want to go back to Technorati.

I spent sometime perusing it, checking out things, searching 'Breaking Dawn', being glad I'm not as obsessed with Bella and Edward as most teenagers seem to be...Truth be known this 4th book has caused me some grief. While it's very readable I'm just not sure how much I'm actually enjoying it. I was tired of Bella and her constant I'm not good enough for Edward dribble, I am tired of Edward being perfect all the time and I miss the cast of side characters even if Jacob is given his own 'book', everything is just a tad to convenient and easy... But back to Technorati....

If I'm ever after someone’s personal opinion on anything I'll use Technorati. People on blogs like to ramble, share their thoughts and opinions (this post is a perfect example of that) but that's the only thing that would get me back to Technorati.

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