July 25, 2008

Heavyweight Battle

Google has launched their answer to Wikipedia, and its name is 'Knol'.
And I like it!
  1. It's got colourful pictures. Call me shallow but I believe everything should be judged by its cover, especially books (what's that I hear, librarians around the world drawing in a collective gasp of shock!)
  2. The writer does not remain anonymous. You want to be published you've got to show off your credentials baby! It also allows for some personality to be interjected into the article.
  3. People to get to post comments on the article & author. The negative here is all the world's spellers are more than willing to show off their superior alphabet knowledge. I HATE those guys, in my world spelling is highly overrated!.
  4. There’s a post on making 'buttermilk pancakes'. Genius!

So get to 'Knol' (http://knol.google.com/k) and the units of knowledge in your brain shall grow!


Deb said...

Hey Wonder Woman, speaking of heavyweight battles go to my blog and have a look at the poll. Vote for yourself!

Misery said...

Thanks. I am google and wikipedia addicted so this is great :-)